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What is the Ideal Temperature for the Inside of Your Home?


How warm or cool should it be inside your home? This might seem like a pretty basic and easy question to ask, but the answer is not always clear. The temperature you set for your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system may be the subject of vigorous debate in your home, with some family members wanting to crank up the AC or the heat, while others are content with more modest temperatures whether the season is hot or cold.

When it comes to settling on the ideal temperature range for your home, you have to take into account the general well-being and health of each family member, as well as if you have an infant or any pets. While you can definitely save money on your utility bills by judicious use of your HVAC system, you don't want to suffer from the home being too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer.

Where Should You Leave Your Thermostat?

Comfort as well as energy savings will be on your mind when you consider where to leave the thermostat setting.

According to the United States Department of Energy, an ideal setting for the winter months is 68 degrees F when you and your family are awake. When you are asleep or away from home, consider dropping the temperature by 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours to save as much as 5% to 15% on your bill.

During the summer months, the DOE recommends that people set their home thermostats to 78 degrees F when they are in the building and awake. Just as you would during winter, it's a good idea to adjust the setting a bit higher when are sleeping or know that you will be away from home and won't need it to be cooled so much.

Elderly and sick people as well as newborn infants will typically do better with a tighter range of temperature. According to the Seasonal House Temperature for Babies page at, it's good to keep your thermostat around 65 F during the spring and fall, 72 F during the summer and 74 F during the winter.

Remember Your Pets May Have Different Needs

Every animal is different, so you will need to consult with your vet about what temperature range would be most appropriate. Exotic animals or pets that are sick may have widely varying temperature requirements, so it's important that you give them the environmental conditions they need to not only survive but to thrive.

For example, a shaggy dog or a longhaired and overweight cat will require less cooling than a skinny animal or one that has less fur or hair. Many reptiles require a heat lamp to stay happy, and so on. An animal expert will give you the best guidance.

Get a Smarter Thermostat

Do you have a basic thermostat that only lets you turn the temperature up or down? A smarter, programmable thermostat can make your life easier and will help keep your dwelling at the optimal temperature even when you are away.

You can use a programmable thermostat to apply one setting for weekday use, for example, and another setting for the weekends when people will be at home more often.

Some thermostats are able to connect to the Internet, letting you adjust the temperature while you are on the go. The professionals at David Gray Heating & Air will be happy to advise you on the most suitable thermostat for your family's particular requirements. It is also important to keep in mind that each person in different and finding the ideal setting on your thermostat will vary greatly.

The team of knowledgeable technicians at David Gray Heating & Air is devoted to keeping our customers comfortable all year round by keeping their heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in top-notch shape. If you have more questions about the proper temperature for the inside of your home or would like to set an appointment for consultation or service, please feel free to contact the friendly experts at David Gray Heating & Air today.
