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Having Trouble Sleeping Dont Forget About Your HVAC System

No Extra Fees for Evenings or Weekends

Pop quiz: What are some of the most important factors in getting a good, restful night of sleep?

A comfortable pillow? A soft mattress? Cozy blankets? A sleep mask? Perhaps some white noise or relaxing, nature-themed music?

All of the above are good answers, but you might be surprised to learn just how important your home's HVAC system can be in complementing some (or all) of the above in achieving that perfect night's sleep. This post will take a closer look at the ways your HVAC system can help you sleep better:

Set Cooler Temperatures at Night

As you ready to sleep, your body temperature naturally decreases to help you relax. You can aid this by decreasing the temperature on your thermostat prior to bed time. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal bedroom temperature for the best possible night of sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This might mean dialing back the heat in the winter and dialing up the air conditioning in the summer. The latter can lead to higher energy bills, so consider investing in a zone control air conditioning system, or using fans or a portable AC box to achieve this without straining your wallet too much.

Learn about the ideal thermostat temperatures in Florida to optimize savings.

Check (and Adjust) Humidity Levels

Humid air is less breathable air. By that, we mean your body works harder to breathe it, and that can make it more difficult to relax and also lead to a more restless night of sleep. In the summer, this isn't a huge issue because air conditioning helps control the humidity within the home (unless you live in a year-round dry climate). However, in the winter, humid temperatures can wreak havoc on your sleep, not to mention dry out your skin and sinuses as well. This can be offset by investing in a whole-house humidifier or keeping a portable humidifier in the bedroom to achieve ideal sleeping conditions.

Read more here about optimal indoor humidity levels.

Use an Overhead Fans

Overhead fans can help you reach the ideal sleeping temperatures by pushing cool air on you all night long. Additionally, fans also help circulate the air to keep it fresh and breathable. Another benefit to using overhead fans is that they don't use much energy and they can exhibit a soothing noise that can help you fall asleep and keep you asleep by muffling any other nighttime noises. Another option is to use portable box fans, but those are often much noisier than overhead fans, a characteristic that many people find distracting come nighttime.

While your bed, comforter and pillow are all big players in a good night of rest, don't sleep (pun intended) on the significance of your HVAC system. For more information on the role your HVAC system can play in a restful night's sleep, contact DG HVAC today.
