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What Is The Best Humidity Level


Living in Florida means dealing with humidity problems most of the year. You can get a dehumidifier to help keep it under control, but what humidity level are you looking for? What kind of humidity control device will help keep your house comfortable? Here's a look at humidity in your home, what it does, and what to do about it.

The Dangers of Excess Humidity

When the weather gets hot, our bodies start to sweat. As the sweat evaporates from our skin, it acts as a natural coolant. However, when there's a lot of moisture in the air, the sweat can't evaporate. This prompts it to produce even more sweat, making you feel hot and sticky and causing you to lose moisture and become dehydrated.

Humidity affects your home as well as your body. The moisture can cause mold and mildew growth, particularly in the corners of walls, and on the ceiling. If you have wood paneling or wood furniture, the moisture can cause them to decay. It can even damage your electronics, as the excess moisture will corrode their inner workings over time.

And when mold and mildew growth, the spores get into the air, wreaking havoc for allergy and asthma sufferers. A humid environment is also an ideal place for bugs and insects to thrive, which can lead to an infestation in your house.

The Ideal Humidity Level

Humidity levels should be kept in the Goldilocks Zone - not too wet, not too dry, but just right. Too dry isn't generally a problem in Florida, but what's just right? Ideally, you should keep your humidity around 40%. Depending on the weather, and your personal preference, you can take it higher or lower, but as a rule, it should never be below 30% or above 50%.

Whole-Home Dehumidification

Portable dehumidification units can keep the moisture out of your air. The problem is, they can only cover a limited area, so you might need to buy several to make sure your whole house is protected. Many of them also don't let you adjust to a specific humidity level, making it difficult to remain in the Goldilocks Zone.

Whole-home dehumidifiers work similarly to your HVAC system, air flows through it, and the moisture is taken out. Then, the dehumidified air is circulated through your ductwork, so it can reach every room of your house. Many of these devices can remove up to four times more moisture from the air than an A/C, and they do it without affecting the ambient temperature.

The system uses a humidistat, which allows you to set your preferred humidity level, just like you would set the temperature on a thermostat. This way, you can adjust for personal preference.

Saving Energy with a Dehumidifier

Whole-home dehumidification not only makes your home healthier and more comfortable, but it can also reduce your cooling bills. By adjusting your humidity, you can actually set your thermostat a few degrees higher than normal in the summer, while still feeling just as cool. It likewise allows your furnace to heat your home more efficiently in winter, saving you money and energy all year round.

Your home's humidity is essential to your health and wellbeing. By taking care of it, you ensure that your house remains comfortable, while reducing a variety of problems, and saving energy. Contact us for help keeping your home's humidity in check.
