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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality


It is important to improve the air quality in your home. This will cut down on allergies and make the air easier to breathe. There are a few things you can do to improve your air quality, and these actions don't take a huge investment of time or money.

Clean Frequently

It's important to keep clutter to a minimum and clean as you go. You should also clean your floors frequently. Vacuum carpets and rugs. Vacuum upholstery. Sweep and mop hard surfaces. Wipe down walls and baseboards to remove dust. Clean windows weekly. These chores will keep dust and mites to a minimum, which will in turn keep the air in your home a lot cleaner and easier to breathe.

Eliminate Commercial Cleaning Products

Commercial cleaning products can contain harsh chemicals that make the air in your home difficult to breathe. Ditch these products in favor of some healthy alternatives. Hot water, apple cider vinegar and white vinegar are great alternatives. Newspaper and reusable microfiber cloths can replace disposable wipes that are loaded with harsh chemicals. There are many great ideas online, and you can find recipes for soaps and cleaners that you can make with natural ingredients that you likely already have in your home.

House Plants

There are many great house plants that will help improve the air quality in your home. Choose plants that are both attractive and easy to care for.

This is especially important if you work many hours or aren't a huge gardening enthusiast. Some of the plants that have a positive impact on indoor air quality are Aloe plants, Spider Plants and Snake Plants. Gerber Daisies, Chrysanthemums and Azaleas are also perfect for indoors and improve your air. Golden Pothos and Weeping figs are great for indoors or an outdoor balcony or patio. These plants will not only make your home smell fresh and clean, they will spruce up the aesthetics of your home.

Eliminate Smoking

Many people have already made the move to eliminate smoking indoors. This will not only make the air quality better inside your home, it will also cut down on the amount of cleaning that you will need to do to keep things looking nice. Your hair, skin and clothing will smell better and you will feel better. If you can't cut out smoking altogether, take smoke breaks outside of your home until you can.

Regulate Humidity

Too much humidity or too little humidity in the air in your home can make the air difficult to breathe. It is important to regulate humidity levels in your home to improve the air quality. In turn, this action will also reduce and eliminate the opportunity for mold, mites and other pests to grow in your home, as these guys look for homes with lots of humidity. Keep the humidity level between 30-50% for best results.

Have Your Heating and Cooling System Serviced

You should have your entire home heating and air conditioning system inspected at least twice a year. You should also have the entire system cleaned at least once per year. This includes flushing dust, dirt and debris from the furnace, central air unit or heat pump. You should also have the ductwork thoroughly cleaned. It is important to have a professional HVAC technician handle these tasks for you, as it's nearly impossible to do it right on your own. You will find that the air quality in your home will improve, and your home will be less attractive to mites and other allergens that can hide in ductwork and other areas. Contact David Gray Heating and Air today!
