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What Is a Good Indoor Humidity Level?


There's an old saying that reminds us how everybody talks about the weather, but no one seems to do anything about it. When you are experiencing high humidity conditions, it can be difficult to get comfortable whether you are outside or in a building. Low humidity conditions can also be unpleasant, leading to excessively dry skin and other ailments.

This will lead homeowners and business owners contemplating their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning or HVAC system to wonder what is a good indoor humidity level. Personal comfort will ultimately dictate the right level of humidity for each individual, but it also depends on what season it is.

The general amount of humidity in any particular location is also affected by local climate and weather conditions, with some regions of the country typically feeling much muggier than other areas. Places, where it is sunny and dry, are more prone to very low humidity conditions. It's always good to strike a balance, so the air is neither too moist nor too dry.

Consequences of Humidity that is too low or too high

Besides making you feel uncomfortably warm and moist or too dry, there are other problems associated with humidity levels when they rise or fall too much.

Under high humidity conditions, microbial growth and dust mites can grow, leading to health issues such as asthma. Some types of microbial growth are very dangerous and will need to be removed by experts as soon as possible. High humidity can also warp wood and cause your floors to bend and buckle.

Low humidity can make it difficult to breathe for sensitive people. Drier air also leads to irritated skin and even can result in more instances of annoying snaps of static electricity.

How to Determine Your Building's Humidity Level

You can get a general sense of how humid or dry it is based on how you and your family, friends or co-workers feel. To get a more precise measurement, you can use a hygrometer.

It measures the relative humidity in a building and you can get such a device at your friendly neighborhood hardware store or big box home supply company.


Ideally, the humidity level in your home or business should be higher than 40% but no lower than 60% during the summer, according to the U.S. Government's Environmental Protection Agency.

You can start reducing the humidity level in your home or workplace by turning up the air conditioning. To help you determine the best course of action, it's a good idea to consult with expertly trained technicians, such as the team at David Gray Heating & Air.


During the winter season, it is recommended that people keep humidity levels somewhere between 60% to 40% in both commercial and residential buildings.

Conditions are typically less humid in colder seasons because the cooler the air is, the less moisture it can hold. As colder air comes into the building, sucked in through the ventilation system as well as any cracks or loose seals, conditions become drier inside.

Then, people turn on the furnace to warm up, and the air becomes even drier. If your location is already low in humidity during the winter, you will want to consider installing a humidifier to bring up the moisture levels to a more pleasant level.

Residents and business owners in the greater Jacksonville, Florida area and beyond know that they can rely on the professionals at David Gray Heating & Air to help control humidity and keep their HVAC systems running properly. For details on maintaining a comfortable environment in your home or place of work, please give us a call today.
